Even so, the country's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita has expanded in 2015, up from 10% in 1993 at the low point of the early-1990s recession.


Oct 12, 2006 the middle of the world distribution of income (“international”). • Calculate a value for 1990 GDP per capita in the United States equal to U.S. 

-0.8. 2.8. 1.8. Weighted average  av A Bergström — lingen för BNP per capita inte alls impo- nerande De första åren efter 1990-talskrisen präglades av OECD (2018), ”OECD Data: GDP per Hour. Worked”  Många exempel meningar med ordet per capita.

Gdp per capita 1990

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Penn World Table data; GDP per capita from the World Bank vs. GDP per capita from the Maddison Project Belarus gdp per capita for 2019 was $6,663, a 5.26% increase from 2018. Belarus gdp per capita for 2018 was $6,330, a 9.86% increase from 2017. Belarus gdp per capita for 2017 was $5,762, a 14.72% increase from 2016. Belarus gdp per capita for 2016 was $5,023, a 15.57% decline from 2015. GDP per capita in the USA at the eve of independence was still below $2,500 – adjusted for inflation and measured in prices of 2011 it is estimated to $2,419.

Prisskillnader inom länderna beaktas inte Trots att BNP - PPP / capita är ett som EUROSTAT offentliggjorde i oktober 1990 ( Per capita GDP in the Community 

1995. 1999.

Gdp per capita 1990

2019-12-28 · GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) The latest value for GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) in Nigeria was 5,991 as of 2018. Over the past 28 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 6,072 in 2015 and 2,181 in 1990. Definition: GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP).

Gdp per capita 1990

2.0. Sweden.

Average hours worked per person employed. Gaps in GDP per capita and productivity. Growth in GDP per capita, productivity and ULC. 7,489.2. Cambodia. 2019. 4,583.0. Cameroon.
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Gdp per capita 1990

Under andra halvan av 1980-talet och början av 1990-talet minskade innovations- Enflo, K., Henning, M. & Schön, L. (2014) Swedish regional GDP 1855–2000. 4.6.5 GDP per capita är skevt fördelad.

GDP per capita in Poland averaged 10427.42 USD from 1990 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 17386.90 USD in 2019 and a record low of 5510.60 USD in 1991. United States GDP per capita PPP 1990 - 2021.
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In the past decade, GDP per capita growth in the EU-25 has been lower than in the US and the i EU har mattats av eller stagnerat under perioden 1990–2004.

2005. 2006. 2000. to.